Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Call Electrolysis Skin Care Burlington Ontario to Remove Unwanted Hair Permanently

If you are suffering from excessive hair and want them removed you will not find a better way than electrolysis to be rid of them. It is common for women to have hair growth on abdomen, underarms, face and other body parts and most want them to be removed owing to aesthetic reasons. Shaving or waxing may not be as effective as electrolysis because they are not permanent treatment. Electrolysis is permanent and has been approved by FDA. 

Is electrolysis treatment permanent?

Yes it is, and FDA has approved it as a safe method for removing hair from the body. it has universal acceptability as it is able to remove hair permanently from body the various skin areas and is applicable to all types of skin and tone. Hair on the chin, upper lip, bikini lines, legs, toes and back can be awkward if you are beauty conscious. For women who socialize hair growth on exposed body parts it can be highly embarrassing and shaving them may darken or harden the skin. Shaving underarms often can be a unpleasant and tiring task if you are the who wear short sleeve or sleeveless dresses. Abnormal appearance of hair on upper lips, chin, legs, toes, and fingers can present an ugly picture and the electrolysis skin care Burlington Ontario is the answer for all these ills. 

Why other hair removals are in effective?

Unlike other methods shaving, waxing, or laser, the result is permanent with electrolysis as it destroys the hair roots or follicles which is the base for hair re-growth.  Other options for unwanted hair removal do not produce permanent results and will have you queuing at beauty clinics often. Moreover electrolysis is perfect for all types of skin, color and tone and you will have no cause for concern as it has been found safe. Threading, tweezing and waxing though effective temporarily could also cause change of hair color when re-grown. Shaving and depilatories can cause skin irritation and could also result in discoloring of the skin. Lifetime maintenance will be required for these methods and you will end up spending a lot of money and time and accumulating bother. For safe and secure Electrolysis skin care Burlington Ontariocontact the number (905) 333-1555, we Spa in the Village is experts in the procedure.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Hair Removal Electrolysis Burlington Ontario Removes Unwanted Hair Permanently

Electrolysis hair removal is a better option than shaving because it is a permanent solution. If you want hair removed from unwanted places you can seek hair removal electrolysis Burlington Ontario and get rid of them forever. How it works?

What is electrolysis?
It is a treatment that enables you to remove hair follicles permanently. The process involves the passing of electrical current through hair follicles. The process damages the hair follicles permanently and prevents any more hair from growing in the treated area. Unarguably it is the only treatment available that is capable of removing hair permanently. However you must seek a licensed and certified dermatologist to ensure safe and effective hair removal by electrolysis.
What does electrolysis procedure involve?
An individual before the procedure will typically consult an electrologist about his or her health and medical history. In the procedure the technician will insert an ultra-thin needle in the targeted area (hair follicle) to pass the electricity and it will kill the hair root.
Recuperation after the procedure
There are no aftercare procedures necessary for electrolysis. The skin may become a little red or will feel irritated and these will disappear after a few hours. if a person want permanent hair removal it may need several treatments. Multiple follicles for each of the strand is the reason why you have to go undergo several treatments. If there are any dormant follicles left, they may grow in between, so you will have to opt for follow-up sessions to remove the follicles that have become active. The procedure will follow for several weeks and most people will have to go to the dermatologist every week or alternate week for the follow-up sessions.
Benefits of electrolysis treatment
·         Electrolysis is FDA approved and only method that removes hair permanently.
·         Best feature of electrolysis is its versatility. It suits all types of skin, hair, color and has been certified by American Electro logy Association with this regard. It is also suitable to apply on any part of the body
·         Recovery time is nil. Treated people can easily resume their work at after procedure at once. 
·         It is maintenance free, you don’t need to fix annual electrolysis schedules. Once you remove a hair by the procedure it remains removed and no more treatment is necessary.
·         The procedure does not involve any unsafe chemicals which are prevalent with hair bleaching or hair removal. 

Laser Hair removal in Burlington | Spa in The Village

Easy, Quick and Safe Laser Hair removal in Burlington, Ontario, with us   Get rid of unwanted hair removal with our  Laser Hair Removal ...